Play day Tuesday

I had a bit of a play day yesterday…here are the results of my experiments:

This first set is made by melting wax crayons onto Anaglypta wallpaper using an iron.

Next, stamp an image on white tissue paper with Versamark ink and cut around the image. Sprinkle embossing powder on it, and place the piece of tissue onto the waxed paper, and heat with heat gun. The image will pop, and the tissue will sink into the wax becoming almost invisible. I loved seeing the transformation.

The next set is made with glossy card – my project uses card from LocalKing.

Ink up the card with about three colors of Distress Inks with a sponge. Dry with heat gun. Place a stencil over the card, mist with water. Remove stencil and blot with paper towel to remove water. You get a ghosty image, which I quite liked. I have not used Distress inks with glossy cardstock before. Quick and easy background for a card.

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Leather Inspire Journal

A little while ago I was playing with some paint techniques on various types of papers. I decided to make the papers into a book, and covered it with leather, with a couple of teeth (fake) in the binding!
Here is another view, showing the medallion made by stamping into air-dry clay with a text stamp, and painting with Lumieres.
This is the inside cover
Lots of paint layers, stamping and tissue
Pieces from my desk, plus some stenciling
The next spreads are still in the UFO stages!
The techniques are mainly paint spread with a credit card, painted again, then stamped on with foam stamps and water, then scraped again.
Right side has gold stamped on the painted page, with a piece of weblike paper, the left page has glare!
Water splotches, then scraped
The right page has gesso, with a round object squished into it when wet.

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All Ablaze

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Dream in Vogue

Here is another page done with lots of stencils…I tend to make stencil backgrounds when I am playing with the sprays, then come back to the pages when I have an idea for that particular set of colors.
Notice the tape from Michaels on the left hand page.

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The World as we like it

I made a couple of spreads recently, this first one utilizing only pieces that were available on my worktable…just random papers etc.
This next spread has many layers of paint, stencils, wax crayons, a few images, and a whole lot of playing.

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You are Here

Playing in my art journal – again inspired by JournalArtista’s Ustream.
Sometimes my ‘layers’ get to be layers because I need to delete and cover up bad pages…lol.

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Queen for a Day

A simple spread in my Altered Book – more spritzing with mists and stencils for the background. Also using cardboard for mark making with inks.

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Homemade is Best

Another journal page, using an ad from a vintage magazine.
Lots of spray mists on stencils, stamping (I can’t say rubber-stamping any longer, as I have been using some awesome acrylic stamps these days!), acrylic and watercolor paints.
This page inspired by Journal Artista on Ustream.

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The Toad’s Wish

Another day of complete playtime in my altered book – more stencils, stamps, paints, more paints, sprays.
I also rediscovered my Colorbox Stylus tool, with the foam shapes. I used them to make stamps from buttons, and came up with some really nice stamps. Take a look at the left side of the spread – those strange red markings are from a button impression! Another button impression is also visible on the right page.
Let me know if you have tried this technique.

Please click on image for an enlarged view

Stencil Play 2011

There is a monthly Challenge on the Altered Books Yahoo Group. I am the guest challenger this month, and this is my example:

Please click on image for an enlarged view

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