Agenda binder cover

I have a daily agenda, just a binder with a plastic cover, the usual things,
that was calling for me to alter it.
I sloshed paint over it, then some
caulking…made impressions into it. Sprayed it with paints, glued some pieces
to it, added Distress crackle paints, bead gel, more paints and my newest
favorites, Inka Gold pastes/paints. Love that huge paper clip from the dollar
Encourages me to work, right?

?????????????? Agenda cover???????????????? ????????????????

Chipboard Book Pages

Here are a couple of pages from a chipboard book that I am altering/decorating.

The process is simple but each step takes some time for the drying process. (I leave mine to air-dry)

Start by adding gesso to the entire page, making textures at the same time. After this is dry, use modelling paste to create more texture – then gently push small embellishments in a pleasing manner into the paste. I have also used plaster gauze beside the Katy Keene image.

After this step has dried, spray or paint with your choice of colors – let dry after each color application, or they will mix, sometimes making a brown mess. (unless this is the effect you’re going for!)

After dry, use some rub and buff or your favorite wax paste to color the tops of the texture. I have used Viva Decor’s Inka Gold. I love this paint.

I have five pages for this book – three to go!

My sisters have suggested that I put them up on the wall, as a set of five – What do you think?

Purple and gold page

Red and gold page K Keene


It’s not easy being GREEN.
The frog said that.
The frog also claims that a kiss from a princess will enable him to revert to his princely status.
This is the March Challenge on the Altered Books group on yahoo.
The color GREEN, tags, folds, windows/doors.



The three frogs, glued onto a folded page (three pleats)



The closed window, partially hidden

???????????????? ????????????????

The frog’s declaration, and the open window revealing the princess



The whole picture


Here is another altered page in the Chocolate Diary.
The section under the heart is sewing pattern paper that I was using for crayon rubbings and embossing plates. They make nice background papers as they glue down transparent, if you use tissue. The heart is cut from thin quilt batt, painted with glue and embossing powder then heated. The Paris stamped square is painted with bead gel. It’s not so easy to see in the photo….

Please click on image for an enlarged view

Send a Smile

I have added some finishing touches to my mixed media backgroung page that I posted here:

Here is the final page:

I added a quote stamp from Quietfire Design, “A Smile that you send out returns to you”, and some other elements. A very simple page.

Please click on image for an enlarged view

Valentine Grungy Sparkle AB Spread

This is my attempt at a Valentine’s page spread. I don’t do Cute, so I went where my muse led me.
A few sparkly rub-on red hearts and two keys, background layers of pink, red, orange and blue paints and sprays, a Victorian lady playing a song to My Valentine, a LOVE quote – Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others, and the delight in the recognition. – Alexander Smith
And YOU HOLD THE KEY to my Heart, stamped.

Please click on image for an enlarged view

Blue on Blue Challenge

This month’s Challenge on the AB Yahoo group is all about colour and textures.

The Bluethat came to my mind for this Challenge is the song ‘Blue on Blue’ by Bobby Vinton.

I printed the lyrics of the song and began collaging strips and scraps of papers and text onto the page with the lyrics, along with some serviettes pieces and washi tape.
The next step was the blue glaze over everything.
The chipboard letters were covered with gesso, then textured paint, then a thin layer of crackle paste, and more paint to show the cracks. I did some paint dribbles, and other dimensional paint scratches, giving more texture. The broken heart seemed fitting!

Please click on image for an enlarged view

Altered Book Completed

If you are like me, you will be altering a variety of books simultaneously. I will pick up any book to work in, as I am not a ‘theme’ worker.
I have various sized books and journals, bound differently, with a variety of page quality.
Wherever the mood takes me – I work with it.
Well, I have completed an AB that I started ages ago, and have put the finishing touches on the last two spreads. Here they are, along with the jeweled cover:

Please click on image for an enlarged view

Altered Book for card album cover

I saw an album on Pinterest sometime ago, and thought I would try a variation of it for my favorite cards, given to me by special friends and family.
I gutted an old book, (keeping those pages for future collages) covered it with scrapping papers, and inserted binder rings with some bugel beads threaded onto them. I decorated the cover with fabric roses that look like dried flowers, and glued on a couple of embellishments. Top right one is made with Model Magic air dry clay, painted with acrylics and my new ‘love’ Inka Gold.
Have you tried this type of album?

a few cards added – I think it works well
I will make another for Christmas cards.

Please click on image for an enlarged view

Mixed media background page

I do like to play! Here is a page in a Chocolate Diary that I am altering. I have used a variety of mediums for this background – Gesso, Artbars, spritzes, mark-making tools, and my newest love, Inka Gold by Viva. These are luscious creams that are wonderful on any surface that I have tried them on….still experimenting with them! I got them at
I will add an image to this page, etc etc etc and post later.

Please click on image for an enlarged view

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