Agenda binder cover

I have a daily agenda, just a binder with a plastic cover, the usual things,
that was calling for me to alter it.
I sloshed paint over it, then some
caulking…made impressions into it. Sprayed it with paints, glued some pieces
to it, added Distress crackle paints, bead gel, more paints and my newest
favorites, Inka Gold pastes/paints. Love that huge paper clip from the dollar
Encourages me to work, right?

?????????????? Agenda cover???????????????? ????????????????

Mixed media background page

I do like to play! Here is a page in a Chocolate Diary that I am altering. I have used a variety of mediums for this background – Gesso, Artbars, spritzes, mark-making tools, and my newest love, Inka Gold by Viva. These are luscious creams that are wonderful on any surface that I have tried them on….still experimenting with them! I got them at
I will add an image to this page, etc etc etc and post later.

Please click on image for an enlarged view