Art Journal Gypsies Cover

This is the cover I made for my AJG Journal. It started with some molding paste, then colored with inks and acrylics. When dry I splotched on some Glass Bead gel from Golden products. I colored some places with alcohol inks. The plaque is made from air-dry clay, rolled thin and pressed over a carved jewelry box of mine, to get the bird image, then painted with H2O’s. The oval glass over its face is also covered with glass bead gel. The flourish is Tim Holtz grungeboard. Oh yes! – this cover was a lot of fun to play with!

Please click on image for an enlarged view

Cup of Home

This is a spread for the Art Journal Gypsies group. It has a Fall theme with a depiction of Home and cozy!

Please click on image for an enlarged view

Art Journal Gypsies Week 2

Here is week 2 of the AJG prompts. This took a bit longer, getting all those images, but finally, lots of cutting later, I finished up!

Please click on image for an enlarged view

Take time

We are back in action…yayyyy! Art Journal Gypsies, that is! Go to the site to find out what it’s all about.
If this is something that interests you, please join us.
I have chosen “CUPS” as my image for the duration of the lessons.
Here is my offering – this was a lot of fun to create…lots of napkin collage and stenciling.

Please click on image for an enlarged view