Agenda binder cover

I have a daily agenda, just a binder with a plastic cover, the usual things,
that was calling for me to alter it.
I sloshed paint over it, then some
caulking…made impressions into it. Sprayed it with paints, glued some pieces
to it, added Distress crackle paints, bead gel, more paints and my newest
favorites, Inka Gold pastes/paints. Love that huge paper clip from the dollar
Encourages me to work, right?

?????????????? Agenda cover???????????????? ????????????????

Blue on Blue Challenge

This month’s Challenge on the AB Yahoo group is all about colour and textures.

The Bluethat came to my mind for this Challenge is the song ‘Blue on Blue’ by Bobby Vinton.

I printed the lyrics of the song and began collaging strips and scraps of papers and text onto the page with the lyrics, along with some serviettes pieces and washi tape.
The next step was the blue glaze over everything.
The chipboard letters were covered with gesso, then textured paint, then a thin layer of crackle paste, and more paint to show the cracks. I did some paint dribbles, and other dimensional paint scratches, giving more texture. The broken heart seemed fitting!

Please click on image for an enlarged view

Altered Book Completed

If you are like me, you will be altering a variety of books simultaneously. I will pick up any book to work in, as I am not a ‘theme’ worker.
I have various sized books and journals, bound differently, with a variety of page quality.
Wherever the mood takes me – I work with it.
Well, I have completed an AB that I started ages ago, and have put the finishing touches on the last two spreads. Here they are, along with the jeweled cover:

Please click on image for an enlarged view

Altered Book for card album cover

I saw an album on Pinterest sometime ago, and thought I would try a variation of it for my favorite cards, given to me by special friends and family.
I gutted an old book, (keeping those pages for future collages) covered it with scrapping papers, and inserted binder rings with some bugel beads threaded onto them. I decorated the cover with fabric roses that look like dried flowers, and glued on a couple of embellishments. Top right one is made with Model Magic air dry clay, painted with acrylics and my new ‘love’ Inka Gold.
Have you tried this type of album?

a few cards added – I think it works well
I will make another for Christmas cards.

Please click on image for an enlarged view

AB Group Golden @ 13 Olympics

The Yahoo group Altered Books has a challenge for the Olympics plus celebrating our 13th anniversary. This is simply a collage, and I thoroughly enjoyed putting it together in my LARGE book.

Please click on image for an enlarged view

Handmade books

Here are two small books I made using caulking and paints for the covers. The butterfly is a chipboard piece. I went through my stash of papers and cards which I used for doing samples, techniques, and experiments and came up with quite a bit that I could use for the pages in these two journals. They were fun to make:

Please click on image for an enlarged view

Art Journal Pages

Well, I have been doing art on a daily basis, sometimes quite involved, other times just making a background or two…splashing some watercolours around – you know the drill.
I made a book using sheets of columnar papers, folded into signatures which had covers of cardstock.
This is one of those pages, a purple sheet of cardstock – face painted with acrylics, hair and extras are pencil and markers.

Here are a few pages from one of my altered books:

Please click on image for an enlarged view

Altered Art Journals

 These spreads were finished recently – just having fun with paints, stencils and rubber stamps (and anything that gets in the way whilst I am altering!)

These images are from an old French textbook. Watercolor background, plus some anaglypta wallpaper, a few stickers and background stencils.

A soft ghosty image of a little girl, rubber stamps, stickers, and watercolors. Here I used Portfolios and some Gelatos. yummy!

This spread holds a myriad of technique pieces, collaged. Just playing around with paints, stamps, embossing powder (top left)

Please click on image for an enlarged view

Create a memory

This is a page inspired by a favorite uncle of mine – an avid golfer who enjoyed his cigars. Yes, I can still smell the wonderful aromas of that tobacco! Memories ~~~~

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Art Journal pages

These are recent pages done randomly – as in using up my stash of materials. I do enjoy just working without a theme or idea…very freeing!

Please click on image for an enlarged view

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