Mixed media background page

I do like to play! Here is a page in a Chocolate Diary that I am altering. I have used a variety of mediums for this background – Gesso, Artbars, spritzes, mark-making tools, and my newest love, Inka Gold by Viva. These are luscious creams that are wonderful on any surface that I have tried them on….still experimenting with them! I got them at Joggles.com
I will add an image to this page, etc etc etc and post later.

Please click on image for an enlarged view

Kobo Arc eReader pouch

I had a small piece left over from the Stitch and Slash fabric that I crazy quilted. It was the perfect size for my new Kobo Arc that I received for Christmas. I added a small doily for a flap, and adhered a vintage brooch. (I love my Kobo!)

Please click on image for an enlarged view