Plaster gauze journal cover

Here I altered the cover of this purchased journal, again using molding paste and caulking. Then Lumieres. There is also some round pieces of cardboard under the paste, as well as Plaster gauze. I love playing with these products!

Please click on image for an enlarged view

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Marisa
    Jul 17, 2012 @ 06:33:03

    Beautiful, I love it!


  2. Coleen
    Jul 18, 2012 @ 09:55:10

    Daphne, thanks for sharing your book with us in AB group. Certainly caused my wheels to turn. I love Lumieres paints and the idea of putting things under your plaster is a great one. Isn't it wonderful how one idea can trigger others. I love it. I have some composition book covers I've been wanting to alter.Now you have me thinking.Coleen in Ukraine


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