Play day Tuesday

I had a bit of a play day yesterday…here are the results of my experiments:

This first set is made by melting wax crayons onto Anaglypta wallpaper using an iron.

Next, stamp an image on white tissue paper with Versamark ink and cut around the image. Sprinkle embossing powder on it, and place the piece of tissue onto the waxed paper, and heat with heat gun. The image will pop, and the tissue will sink into the wax becoming almost invisible. I loved seeing the transformation.

The next set is made with glossy card – my project uses card from LocalKing.

Ink up the card with about three colors of Distress Inks with a sponge. Dry with heat gun. Place a stencil over the card, mist with water. Remove stencil and blot with paper towel to remove water. You get a ghosty image, which I quite liked. I have not used Distress inks with glossy cardstock before. Quick and easy background for a card.

Please click on image for an enlarged view


This notebook showcases pieces of the Anaglypta wallpapers. I sprayed washes over them, paints, inks, and embossing powders. The letters are from a game. (I love those)

I then bound the covers and text pages with the stab bound stitch….so easy. If you click on the photo, you can see the glitter from the glass beads.

Please click on image for an enlarged view

Fabric journal

I made another fabric journal – they are wonderful to make, all the luscious fabrics and trim~~~~

Please click on image for an enlarged view

December pages

I have been working on my altered books as well as art journal pages. There is so much wonderful inspiration on the web. However, I learned this: At one point you have to stop reading the books and watching the videos, and start inplementing what you have learned and discovered.
Here is a sampling of my playtime.

The photo below shows a quartet of coconut goodies on the right, a gift from Iran. They were yummy delicious.
This pic shows a page from my art journal, my first time playing with Soft pastels. I stamped the flowers and just coloured in with the chalks, and did my version of a scenic background! I used a waterbrush with the pastels, then some letter stickers.

Please click on image for an enlarged view