The Caribbean Deppth

OK, this is the Johnny Depp – master of the Caribbean series. This is a page in process, but I just had to share! the man being so gorgeous and all ~~~

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You are Here

Playing in my art journal – again inspired by JournalArtista’s Ustream.
Sometimes my ‘layers’ get to be layers because I need to delete and cover up bad pages…lol.

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Fashion Plate

Paperdolls from the newspapers, and some serviettes – also buttons and inks for stamping on the right hand side. The tree is from a box of spritz boards.

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Queen for a Day

A simple spread in my Altered Book – more spritzing with mists and stencils for the background. Also using cardboard for mark making with inks.

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It’s all in the Eyes

Here I go with another drawing – trying my ‘hand’ at faces again. She is colored with watercolor pencils.

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Homemade is Best

Another journal page, using an ad from a vintage magazine.
Lots of spray mists on stencils, stamping (I can’t say rubber-stamping any longer, as I have been using some awesome acrylic stamps these days!), acrylic and watercolor paints.
This page inspired by Journal Artista on Ustream.

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