Serendipity booklet

Well, I have finally made a booklet from a rather large piece of ‘junk’ mail. I folded it a few times and got 3 pages plus the covers, at 6 x 6 inches. Yayy!
I covered all the pages with scrapbook paper stack of the same size. I then used images from the book ‘Bathing Beauties’, adding lace, ribbons, rub-ons, etc.
The front cover has a piece of grunge paper, smooched with alcohol inks. The metal flourish is door hardware. The flower is made from stamped fabric, paper painted with distress crackle paint, and an antique button.
Serendipity is stamped on gauze ribbon.

Please click on image for an enlarged view

French Lunch

The challenge this month at Altered Books Yahoo Group is a lunchbag theme.
I have a serviette on the left page with paint scraped backgrounds. The right page has a mushroom paper bag, with some funny characters riding the wave!
This is mostly collage, with a stamped image of the River Seine in the centre.

Please click on image for an enlarged view

Fall Geometry

An art friend of mine gave me some wonderful serviettes, and I have been playing with them in backgrounds.
Here is one that is a kind of Fall Geometry, a subject that I really liked in high school. The right page is more of the paint scraped technique, using three colors of Fall. Then some stamping with those rubbery tools for opening jars. Look around for objects to use for stamping – great fun!
The tapes are glue backed tape used for page setters, as in sticky notes.
The bottom left of the right page has a stamping of leaves, then embossed with brass powder.

Please click on image for an enlarged view

Art Journal Gypsies Cover

This is the cover I made for my AJG Journal. It started with some molding paste, then colored with inks and acrylics. When dry I splotched on some Glass Bead gel from Golden products. I colored some places with alcohol inks. The plaque is made from air-dry clay, rolled thin and pressed over a carved jewelry box of mine, to get the bird image, then painted with H2O’s. The oval glass over its face is also covered with glass bead gel. The flourish is Tim Holtz grungeboard. Oh yes! – this cover was a lot of fun to play with!

Please click on image for an enlarged view

Cup of Home

This is a spread for the Art Journal Gypsies group. It has a Fall theme with a depiction of Home and cozy!

Please click on image for an enlarged view