I really enjoyed creating this page, it came together rather easily.
The left page is simply layers of acrylic paints; the right background is, once again, painted used dryer sheets.
These sheets come in many varieties, giving lots of variations for altering.
Over the word Natural is a piece of wall repair tape. It is sticky back and the color can be changed simply by smooshing with a stamp pad. Gauze ribbon covers ‘Balance’.

3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Ruby's Girl
    Apr 18, 2010 @ 23:47:48

    Love all of the pages you have been working on lately Daphne. Very nice artwork!! I will keep watching to see what is next!! good to try all of these techniques and you do them all very well Judy


  2. xinme
    Apr 21, 2010 @ 15:35:32

    Don't you just love working with dry wall tape??? I love the look and texture of it, and the ease with which it adheres:)Your recent works are lovely, Daphne. You inspire me to just keep creating:) (I've been in a bit of an art funk, wanting to create, but not really knowing what to do.)


  3. Daphne
    Apr 21, 2010 @ 18:28:16

    Thanks so much for all the lovely comments. Please email me direct for any info regarding any of the posts, as I cannot reply to you directly.hugs,Daphne


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