This is the February UHU glue project – A sweet star-shaped box to fill with more candy for St.Patrick’s Day.
I began by glueing the green paper along the side of the box, then spraying green and gold mica paints on the cover. I then painted the box top with crackle paint and when dry, added a bit more sparkle with clear glitter paint. I then took one of the foam clover leaf cutouts and stamped the sides of the box with black and gold paints. Boy, it sure is difficult to get a good pic of this box!! arghhh.
I glued three various shapes of the foam leaves plus the cute as ever ladybug piece, all together with the UHU Gluestick, then glued that to the top with the twist and glue. I am amazed at how well the foam pieces stuck together with the UHU gluestick.
Another fun project!

Valentines LOVE

This is another page in my Calendar Journal, Valentines LOVE. The loving couple is printed on Extravorganza. I love the soft effect of the fabric.The background is done with Portfolio Pastels…love ’em!
The right edge is a crotchet trim with sequins.


Here is my entry for the Queen of Hearts Valentine – Quietfire Byhand Artists Group.
This is a page in my Calendar Journal.


The Quietfire Byhand Artist Group is having a Queen of Hearts Challenge on Sunday Feb 14. Please join us for a fun time!
