Bejewelled Cover Instructions

I have had some inquiries about my Bejeweled book cover. Here is what I did:
The book I am altering has an old-fashioned cloth over bookboard cover. I painted the front cover with Golden’s Crackle Paste and left to dry. I then spritzed with water, and dropped a variety of Golden’s fluid acrylic onto it, brushing here and there to blend. When dry I spritzed again and put down some more colours. I then dribbled Golden’s Clear Tar Gel around the perimeter of the cover, let dry, then rubbed more paints on it with a sponge. I highlighted some areas with metallic rub-on creams.
The ‘jewels’ are curtain tiebacks.
Thanks so much for your interest, and the lovely comments you sent me.

5 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Cinimom
    Oct 23, 2009 @ 09:48:57

    I too LOVED your bejewelled book cover. Thank you so much for sharing your technique. I really want to try this.


  2. Carolyn Abramofsky
    Oct 23, 2009 @ 11:07:09

    It is a beautiful piece. thanks for sharing.


  3. Susie Jefferson
    Oct 24, 2009 @ 04:24:05

    It's lovely! The large crackles are wonderful, thanks for sharing how you did it.


  4. Cyndi L
    Oct 24, 2009 @ 09:17:36

    That is totally gorgeous, Daphne!


  5. Melissa Melissa
    Oct 24, 2009 @ 12:36:13

    What a stunning cover…..thank you for sharing


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