I experiment with coil-bound books to use them as journals. This one did not work out well; the pages seemed firm enough, but they did not take water media very well. It’s usually a trial and error kind of thing. This one will be tipped into another journal.
These pages started off with washes of Golden acrylics, followed by some rubber-stamping, then collaging of text papers and images, then more paints, including a favourite of mine – Portfolio Oil Pastels. Just building up textures.

Bejewelled Cover Instructions

I have had some inquiries about my Bejeweled book cover. Here is what I did:
The book I am altering has an old-fashioned cloth over bookboard cover. I painted the front cover with Golden’s Crackle Paste and left to dry. I then spritzed with water, and dropped a variety of Golden’s fluid acrylic onto it, brushing here and there to blend. When dry I spritzed again and put down some more colours. I then dribbled Golden’s Clear Tar Gel around the perimeter of the cover, let dry, then rubbed more paints on it with a sponge. I highlighted some areas with metallic rub-on creams.
The ‘jewels’ are curtain tiebacks.
Thanks so much for your interest, and the lovely comments you sent me.



This started with a piece of taffeta fabric. I stitched some more cotton pieces on – the lady is stamped on cardstock and embossed with enamel powder. The orange and green square is painted with Jacquard Textile paints to look like plaid.  Lace, buttons, and trim adorn the quiltie.




This quiltie was made with the starting block of a piece of fabric I was using for wiping/cleaning my paint brushes. Then I started stenciling on the top and bottom of it with stencil paint. Next I spread wall compound on areas of the fabric, squiggle-combed it, and when dry I put down a variety of Golden paints. I rewet with water, then put more colours down. The rooster is a paper serviette (1 ply). The doors and windows are game tiles that I pounced alcohol inks onto. Then lace, trims, and jewelry finding. Size 11 x 11 inches.