We have each other; why do we need three wishes?
Love is all encompassing….
The left page of this spread is an old floppy disk envelope, made of tyvek. I happened upon a few of them – a lucky find. I will be making a tag to put in the pocket, and will post it later on. I decorated both pages with a variety of acrylics, mostly Lumieres, Twinkling H2O’s, and 3D paints.


Here is an altered page I made using a variety of texture techniques. I painted a used dryer sheet with acrylics, inks, temperas, moulding compound, and one of my favorites – cheesecloth!


I really love working with beeswax. Here is another canvas using a dinner napkin. I have added foil, and a piece of sea glass with melted angelina fibres. I found that beeswax does not photograph very well. The actual piece is more vibrant than the photo.